
We specialize in facilitating
the connection between
your company and Amazon.

We have an in-depth understanding of all the opportunities that Amazon offers to businesses. It is a unique channel for global commerce, a structured marketplace with constantly evolving services and tools that connect companies and customers in innovative ways. At WAC, we leverage these unprecedented business possibilities to tailor them to the characteristics and objectives of each enterprise.

WAC's vision

Simply Amazon.


Our goal is to enable your company to establish itself on Amazon in the best way possible: by reaching your customers with a high value proposal and protecting the authority of your brand, taking all the complications of managing a complex and constantly evolving platform off your hands.


To do so, we have built up many years of experience and created solutions aimed at business growth and management, developed as an ideal meeting point between the needs of each company and the opportunities provided by today’s high performance, challenging and complex business environment.

#Your company on Amazon#Adding value to your Brand#Full Account Management#Your company on Amazon#Adding value to your Brand#Full Account Management#Your company on Amazon#Adding value to your Brand#Full Account Management

The evolution of WAC.

WAC is born
Alligator Analysis
WAC Alligator is born Channel management
WAC Academy is born
WAC Studio is born
We enter Xenon Private equity acquisition by Fifth Beat
To be continued

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